Friday, February 11, 2011

Feb. 11

We began our day at 8 am getting ready for the second half of the MRI she couldn't finish last night. She was in better spirits and was able to listen to music during the test...Z107 of course, inlcuding a Lady Gaga song. :)

She didn't sleep well last night - so many nurses visits. So we slept the rest of the morning until the oncologist came in at 12:30 and woke us up. Megan said she was feeling the same. He told us the MRI was basically the same, thought there was a little clearing in the veins. At least it's starting to work somewhat. Waiting on the neuro to give us a treatment plan. Her head pain was worse today and the doctor let her get some extra doses of pain medicine and upped the dosage too. No puking today! But only peed twice in 24 now they have the "hat" in the potty again so they can measure the pee...yuck!

The afternoon we had Carol come visit and bring her some cards that some Girl Scouts in our area made for her. This evening she went through each of them and made comments. She loved the ones from the little daisy's that said "Get well sone" and their little poems that were cute. The big one from an older troop was very cool. They all made her smile a lot. I decorated the message board with all the cards for her to see.

The neuro finally ordered her to have some steroids to begin at 6 pm and every 6 hours. They are hoping for some improvements within 1 to 2 days...time will tell.

Tonight her dad was here too and we had some nice time together. She was able to look at the computer for awhile before her eyes went completely blurry. She was so happy to "chat" with 5 friends on Facebook. Then I read her some of the Girl Scout camp info because she wants to be able to do the "Saddle Sence" camp this summer so she can be a WIT next summer. She's so worried about getting up the big hill to the barn to the horses (she has tumors in her lung also). I promised her that I would make sure that they drive her to the barn and back each time...she's so afraid she won't be able to go. She's also worried because she can't yell or sing anymore and you have to do those at camp -- it's a requirement. I said to fake it, heck no one would know anyway. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Megan is so brave. Needles are the worst. Your family is in our prayers everyday. Take care of yourself, mom. Megan needs you more than anything. If you need to vent, you always have an ear.
Mary & Wade

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