Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feb. 10

Megan didn't think it was really fun to wake up to take her morning medicines, only to puke them up, and then have to take them again. Good news was that she only had her port poked on once. Today's nurse still couldn't get the second port to work, so the doctor decided to leave it alone and let it close up since it's probably already clotted anyway. But, at least she didn't get poked, and she has one port that works.

She had some visitors today which she enjoyed, but it made her really tired this evening. She went down for an MRI at 8 pm, but couldn't make it through the whole test because her head was hurting too bad. We hurried into the room to find her crying in pain. We will try to get the second series of pictures done in the morning. We got back upstairs and she began puking again...just too much movement and lights for her to take.

The nurses all note how smart she is. She remembers everything, knows all her medications, when they're due and how often she can/has to have them. She's getting better about getting her shots in the stomach, just winses from the stinging a bit. She's had a whole day of nutrition as of tonight and I am thankful. I joked to the oncologist that she was beginning to be Gondhi, and Carol laughed at me. :) She's lost over 20 pounds so far, but starving yourself isn't the way to do it! :0)

Today her room looks very cute. We have flowers, stuffed animals and packages from so many family and friends. We are so thankful. She has so many cards at home on my dresser (she had been sleeping in my room which is closer to the bathroom) that it could hardly hold them all. She always smiles and appreciates anyone who cares. I read to her people's posts on Facebook or emails I receive, and she is grateful. She is still shy about all the kids knowing at school, but I think that might be normal for a 13 year old girl. No one wants to stick out. In due time...


Anonymous said...

This blog is a wonderful gift from your friend. There is no other way we would all have known what you are truly going through. Know that the words ''you are in our prayers'' are genuine truth, and will continue to be. I have sat in your chair, and know how it changes your life, when you pray for each breath your child takes. It is never the same , and nothing else ever matters. Remember through it all, God was with you yesterday, He is with you today, and He will be with you tomorrow. Feel our hugs, and give them to Megan and Kels for us, and until we see you , know YOU are in OUR prayers. Love Tracy & Brett Conrad & (whole)Family

frogsut said...

the journey is amazing to read...
you all are in our prayers...thank you for keeping us up to date as we do love your daughters & you...
Ky says HI MEGAN!!!!!
our love & prayers are with you
Beth , Scott & Ky

Anonymous said...

Amazed at Megan's growing courage! Praying for Megan, Christine and family right now! Grace and Hope in the unfolding journey! Deb G.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable Christine. My cousin's 4 year old son was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor this fall and undergoing radiation & chemo. What sweet children & it pains me to hear of their pain. I hope & pray you get Megan comfortable soon & on the road to recovery. Thank you for sharing your story. May God bless you and your family and provide you the strength to keep fighting. - Kathy Mannion

Anonymous said...

Good seeing you and Megan both are so strong. I continue to pray along with many, many people for her speedy recovery. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Denise Williams

Anonymous said...

Christine - I know you don't want visitors, so I wait anxiously each day for your post. I rejoice in any improvement with you. You are always in our thoughts and we pray for your entire family daily. Please know if there is anything you need, anything at all, we are here for you.

Dan, Deanna, Adam, & Ashley... Brandon too.

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